Japanese smileys

(^_^) male smiley
(^.^) female smiley
(^L^) or (^(^) happy
(-_-) secret smile
(^o^) laughing out loud
(^_^;) laughing to cover nervousness
(^_^)/ waving hello
(;_;)/ waving good-bye
(^_~) or (^_-) winking
(*^o^*) or (*^.^*) exciting
\(^_^)/ joyful
(;_;) or (~~>.<~~) crying
(>.<) or (>_<) angry
(v_v) expressionless
(^o^;> excuse me?
(*^_^*) blushing (or shy)
(^_^;;;) embarrassed (or in a cold sweat)
(?_?) confused (or wondering)
(!_!) or (o_o) shocked
(*_*) frightened (or in love)
(=_=)~ sleepy
(u_u) sleeping
(@_@) stunned
"\=o-o=/" wearing glasses
m(_)m humble bow of thanks or apology

Seen here


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